Google Maps report

Does your company have many locations? Do you own a franchise store
Or maybe you have many Google reviews and you'd like to improve your business? 


Are you interested?

What will you gain by analyzing Google Maps reviews?

Google's business cards are becoming more important - now they even show up above the organic results in Google. 
Because they allow you to unify the communication of multiple stores or branches of your business, they can be critical in creating
the image of your company

- customer service -

Get to know the level of customer satisfaction and the level of service between facilities. This is a great starting point for improving customer service.

- locations -

Compare how your company image
is presented in particular locations, including cities and districts.

- online presence -

Optimize your SEO activities with our keyword analysis. It is a great opportunity to increase your visibility in the search engine.

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Map of all locations

Visualizing all the results in the form of a map allows for quick identification of areas that require improvements

Individual stores are presented by dots that show:

  • their location
  • average score (green colour: score 5, red colour: score 1)
  • their number (the bigger the dot, the more reviews a given location has)

Customers' behaviour analysis

By analyzing the search data provided by Google's API, we can provide you with information about your company's customer behavior in Google's search engine and maps.

With this analysis, you will find out, for example:

  • from which locations your customers drive to your company most often
  • which of your locations have the highest number of views and are the most popular
  • which facilities are most often contacted by phone
  • what is the trend in your customers' behavior, e.g. when there is an increased interest in your business